Kent Tutor – Primary School Tuition
Our specialist primary school tutors can provide tuition in Reading, Writing, Spelling, Mathematics, Science, Verbal and Non Verbal Reasoning for children aged 5-11. Tutorials are normally held in one-hour sessions, and can be either one-one or as part of a small group in Tuition For You’s residence or even one-one in the comfort of your own home.
If appropriate or requested, the first session may be classed as an assessment and the tutor will be able to provide basic feedback on the skills they have seen during this time. The results will be analysed further and a formal written report will be sent home to parents within 3 business days. This will address the child’s skills and weaknesses and appropriate National Curriculum Levels will be set, as well as SMART targets (Sustainable, measurable, accurate, realistic and timebound). The tutor will also be able to advise on the frequency and subject matter of future lessons.
Our tutors use the latest and most stimulating material available in their lessons. Books and resources are used from well-known publishers such as such as BOND, CGP, Letts and we also use GL assessment which are age appropriate and closely follow the National Curriculum. All materials are provided during tutorials and homework will be set at appropriate intervals- normally on a weekly basis. Homework is not designed to be a chore, but a reinforcement of the day’s learning and an aid to increase self confidence- if a pupil can learn a topic in one evening, complete the homework the next and apply this newly found knowledge in the following lesson, the pupil will feel happy and motivated and looking forward to the next topic.
It is very important that a child leaves primary school, confident and academically able, ready to face the challenges that lie ahead. The government state that by Year 2, pupils should be at National Curriculum level 2 and then progress to Level 4 by year 6. Tuition for you focuses on these levels and can provide booster lessons to enable your child to feel confident as they progress through each Key Stage.
Pupils will also find work easier if they have chronologically appropriate reading and spelling ages. At Tuition For You, we can assess your child and feedback on their reading and spelling ability, and if there is a significant difference between this and their chronological age, provide back to basic lessons on spelling rules and phonics.