11 Plus tuition and Preparation
As a grammar school graduate, the founder of Tuition For You was very thankful for her education at a selective school. Gaining 6 A*’s and 4 A grades at GCSE level, she knew that highly skilled teachers and their dedication and hard work played a large role in her success. It is for this reason, that Tuition For You put a huge emphasis on 11 plus preparation and revision, to ensure those with a gift or talent are able to express this and progress further at a selective school, rather than the possibility of having their potential hindered in mainstream.
Our specialist tutors provide tuition in Verbal and Non-Verbal reasoning, English and Mathematics. Apart from subject matter, revision and exam techniques, time management and memory skills are also taught. The latest and most stimulating material from well known publishers such as BOND, CGP, Letts. We also use GL assessment – these are used during tutorials, as well as our own specially created mock exam papers available to purchase from our products or by visiting dedicated and highly recommended www.elevenplusexams.co.uk.
It is recommended that pupils start preparing for the 11+ in year four but this may be reduced for more able pupils who are already working in greater depth and exceeding expectations. It is helpful if you have a recent school report to hand when you make an enquiry.
All materials are provided during tutorials and homework will be set at appropriate intervals- normally on a weekly basis. Homework is not designed to be a chore, but a reinforcement of the day’s learning and an aid to increase self confidence- if a pupil can learn a topic in one evening, complete the homework the next and apply this newly found knowledge in the following lesson, the pupil will feel happy and motivated and looking forward to the next topic. In preparation for exams, homework will normally be mock papers, which are marked and assessed, and then worked through again in the following tutorial to ensure the pupil understands their errors.
As a general rule for passing the 11+ and being in the gifted and talented sector, pupils should be exceeding expectations and working at greater depth. Normally this means working at least a year ahead of their peers and achieving 80 -85% in mock 11plus paper. This is only an estimate and will vary from year to year as scores are standardised and younger pupils will gain extra points if born after the cut-off point. Full details will be provided to parents nearer the exam day and we can advise you on registration and which borough’s exams you should sit and how each borough differs in the papers they set, the format, marks required and how they are marked and standardised. Generally as a rule, if you live in Gravesend we would recommend that you sit the Bexley test, the Kent test and the Medway test to give you the greatest chance of success. We can prepare you for all of these, As well as independent school tests such as Saint Olav’s, Gad’s Hill and Cobham Hall, to name just a few.